The blank page of the photographer

Posted by on Jan 8, 2016 in photo du jour | No Comments
The blank page of the photographer
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08012016-auto-2-4Since a few month, my photography inspiration was in bern.

Even if it is the first time, I’m not really worried because I know that my inspiration will always return.

I made so manu photos and I probably start to see the same thing in the same way. I felt me less inspired for product pictures.

Even thoug I am absolutely convinced that we can do fabulous photos in any situation and at any places, the things were not « tilt » in the same way that ordinary, for me, this last month.

After this short break, I’m ready to start again a new photography adventure.

To get myself out of my confort zone for continue to love doing photography seems important and this is what I wanted to achieve with this self-portrait.

It was a challenge for me wich does not like to see me on a photo. The result is exactly what I wanted to do.

Succed in having a black background without black background and really adequate equipement has been good challenge and I hope be retried quickly.

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